1st European Passion Accademy, Sajan, Serbia, 02.-10.05.2013.
L’Associazione Agapè onlus prende parte alla I Accademia Europea della Passione (Sajan, Serbia, 02.-10.05.2013).
LA I ACCADEMIA EUROPEA DELLA PASSIONE è di un progetto finanziato dalla Unione Europea nell’ambito del programma Gioventù in Azione.

Il corso, mediante l’utilizzo di metodiche innovative di “Empowerment”, vuole formare i giovani partecipanti a ritrovare le loro passioni e a risvegliarle anche nei loro coetanei! La I Accademia europea della passione si svolge dal 2 al 10 maggio 2013 in Serbia, in una località vicina a Belgrado, e prevede la partecipazione di circa 50 giovani provenienti da oltre 30 paesi della comunità europea e non, dal Portogallo all’Azerbaijan, dall’Olanda alla Grecia.

The “1st European Passion Academy – Reaching your potential with finding your passion: Empowerment through Training in Key Competences” (1st EPA) is aimed to strengthen the personal development and qualification of those working for and with young people (youth workers, leaders, facilitators, coaches, trainers), supporting them in exploring and unblocking their competences and creativity, with a specific focus on their emotional competences in order to improve their work for and with young people.

The activities are based on principles & practice of non-formal education including various activities such as exercises, simulations, debriefings, work in small mixed groups, individual work, inputs, open spaces etc. as well as free time & intercultural activities. Attending the 1st EPA will help the participants to increase their understanding on non-formal education in the context of youth work, to build capacities for developing & implementing youth projects, to explore possible links between youth work, non-formal education and employability/employment of young people, to share and discuss experiences and to develop partnerships for future action in this field.
We will gather participants from EU-27, SEE and EECA to support the development of competences of youth workers in non-formal education for increasing the quality of youth projects on a larger scale, enabling them to develop and to run certain local activities in order to translate the learning outcomes of the 1st EPA into practice on local level. The 1st EPA offers a platform where all participants will learn in an atmosphere of mutual understanding, exchanging their knowledge and experiences in the field of international youth work.

The “1st European Passion Academy – Reaching your potential with finding your passion: Empowerment through Training in Key Competences” (1st EPA) is aimed to strengthen the personal development and qualification of those working for and with young people (youth workers, leaders, facilitators, coaches, trainers), supporting them in exploring and unblocking their competences and creativity, with a specific focus on their emotional competences in order to improve their work for and with young people.